We publish in advance the full speech to the Nation by the President of Guinea, Professor Alpha Condè, on the results obtained, on the need for changes still to be made, on the next challenges that the country will have to face.
Guinean Women and Men, My dear compatriots,Since my election to the office of the President, my only concern has been the interest of Guinea and Guineans. This commitment to our dear country, as everyone knows, is an integral part of my personal history. Throughout my life, whether during my long years of opposition or in my political struggles, as well as in my duties as President of the Republic, I have always put at the center of my concerns, the interest of Guinea. I have always fought for an independent, just and united Guinea where every citizen can flourish in an environment of peace, security and respect for his fundamental rights and where the rights of each one go with his duties with respect to society.
Guinean Women and Men, My dear compatriots,I shared with you the first difficult years of my term. All was not perfect. But rest assured that every decision I had to make was in the interest of Guinea and Guineans.We all know it, our country comes from the brink with a heavy legacy. We no longer had credibility with the international financial institutions. But thanks to our joint efforts, the determination and patience of our people, we have successfully taken up many challenges, including: economic stability, the reform of our defense and security forces, the reform of the judiciary, the fight against Ebola and the improvement of our health system, the development of mining, energy, agriculture, industry and a series of structural and institutional reforms.
As you know, our country is moving forward. It is on the right track. All observers can attest to it, from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to the World Bank, the African Development Bank (ADB), the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and the French Development Agency (AFD). Our state is consolidating. Our Country has regained its strength and pride. She has found her place in the concert of nations.Yes, Guinea is now a voice that counts and that is listened to in Africa and in the world. This is an opportunity for me to pay tribute to all for the sacrifices made, without which all this would not have been possible.
It is therefore essential that the investments made benefit everyone. This is the direction of efforts undertaken in the various sectors such as energy, agriculture, mining and more recently in local communities through the National Agency for Financing Communities (ANAFIC).
I encourage the Government to intensify development efforts in this direction to reduce poverty and inequality and to ensure social justice. It is clear that Guinea is on the right track and we are hopeful for a better tomorrow.
Guinean Women and Men, My dear compatriots, I would like to address, in this circumstance, a message of confidence and hope to our youth: young people of Guinea, whatever the difficulties, your future is here in Guinea. I would like to reassure you as your elected president that our concern is the youth and our duty is to guarantee their future.
Guinean Women and Men, Dear compatriots, belong to a generation that mobilized very early for the liberation of our continent, the dignity and pride of the people of Africa because we believe deeply in justice, freedom, equality between men , and equality between people. Despite the efforts made and all the victories won, Africa does not yet enjoy full sovereignty. African people always aspire to equality with others, claiming their own identities and specificities. In the new world, every country, every nation wants to follow its own path and be free to choose its destiny.
My dear compatriots, in my political generation, all the fights were conducted and won in serenity. We have always chosen the peaceful struggle for democracy, which consecrates the sovereignty of the people who are called upon to be consulted as often as necessary, and who are capable of deciding, with all their souls and consciences, what they want or what they do not. In this respect, no one has the power or the right to take the place of the people nor has the authority to speak, act, decide in its name and place.
Guinean Women and Men, My dear compatriots,The rights of our people are inalienable as the freedom of each of us is sacred. All my life, all along my personal history and my journey, I have been listening to my people and in tune with them. Even today, when people all over the world decide their destiny and make history, I remain convinced that the people are always right and that no one can go against their will and of its deepest aspirations: it is my conviction of all times.
Guinean Women and Men, Dear compatriots,Our people have the opportunity to make their choices and express their will in elections. In this regard, I invite all the actors involved in the organization of the parliamentary elections to redouble their efforts and hard work, to mobilize so that we may hold these elections in the course of this year. I urge the Prime Minister and the Government to support and assist the National Independent Electoral Commission (CENI) and the electoral actors to create the best conditions for the preparation and organization of the elections expected in our country.
Guinea is no longer the same with the awakening of consciousness and all the changes that have taken place in society. It is legitimate then that everyone wonders where we are going, and how do we address the issues and challenges of the new times. That is why I understand the ongoing debate in the country on all matters of concern including the Constitution. But, as I said before, it is not up to me to decide or choose instead of Guineans. Before taking any personal position, I have the duty to listen to everyone. To do this, I instruct the Prime Minister, Head of the Government, to initiate consultations with the institutions of the Republic, political parties, trade unions, civil society organizations to gather the opinions of each other in an open discussion on the different issues so that the debate is about arguments and recommendations. Any subject can be discussed in a democracy.
Guinean Women and Men, Dear compatriots, As the country’s First Magistrate, the guarantor of public liberties and the fundamental rights of citizens, I have an obligation to listen to everyone, so that all ideas and opinions can be freely expressed with responsibility.For my part, I will not fail and will face the legitimate expectations of our fellow citizens. I invite everyone at any level to exercise their rights in respect of those of others.We must unite in the face of our common future and commit ourselves to social peace and unity of the nation. I know that the office of President of the Republic imposes sacrifices for the Nation. I am aware of this and remain resolutely committed to fulfilling all my obligations by counting on your support and your trust.
Guinean Women and Men, My dear compatriots, Our country is at a turning point in its history. The whole country speaks to me, I hear you and understand you all. I am pleased to see that the democracy to which we are all attached and for which our country has already made huge sacrifices, is taking root deeply. It is legitimate for everyone to ask himself the question of his present and his future and to be concerned about the destiny of our Guinea, our common home. Our compatriots all want peace for themselves and for the country. We remain all mobilized in a patriotic and responsible spirit for our ideal of democracy and progress.By making the effort to talk to each other and having the patience to listen without prejudices or contempt, we know each other and we discover each other better and we also learn to trust each other. From then on, everything becomes possible and the country wins without anyone having the feeling of having lost. When Guinea wins, no one loses. For me and all the patriots, Guinea comes first. That’s what I’m committed to and it’s also the conviction and hope that I would like to share with you.
Guinean Women and Men My dear compatriots, The Prime Minister, Head of Government, in charge of political and social dialogue, has all my confidence and all my support for the consultations that I have asked him to conduct. I remain confident in this inclusive dialogue, the deliberations of which will enlighten us in our choices, answer all the questions, strengthen the trust between the actors and undoubtedly allow our country to continue its path on the path of democracy and progress.
Long live the Republic, Long live national unity, Long live Peace.